
Terraforming planet earth.


About 200 ppm CO2 equivalent more in the atmosphere now than normal maximums for the recent quaternary ice ages. The experiment has started. Ocean levels will rise a few to several meters. How fast? may be the most important question. The data shows that massive changes in climate and weather can happen in as little as 10 years. We will be unpleasantly surprised.

It now seems inevitable that massive amounts of CO2 and methane will be rapidly released from the permafrost and Boreal Forest Region that circles the top of the globe. Persistent atmospheric inversions during the summer in the far north may be a very strong positive feedback to increasing temperatures.

It would be best to accept reality and start the orderly evacuation of all coastal areas NOW. It will take decades and trillions of dollars to relocate a billion or more people. Let’s not waste our resources trying to save our costal cities from rising oceans.