

by Doug Fellows
(Kent, UK)

We have reached a point in our existance where we must tackle the over population of the planet.

Resources will run out. The problems in feeding such huge numbers of people is becoming difficult as the strain on water supplies increase.

Governments so long in the pockets of big business will have to find a new stratigies for the benifit of the planet and the people. We will all have to become a little less greedy.

Human beings have been lucky so far in not having a disaster of global propotions. It is because of this we have been able to develope our society to where it is now, maybe this has made us arrogant in our outlook, maybe we feel we can control everything around us. When I see out planet floating all alone in space I see the importance of making sure we care for it.

The planet cannot sustain the population level we have now let alone any increases and with the economic rise of China and India the cracks will start to appear.

We must put to one side our religious and nationalistic beliefs and tackle this problem before it engulfs us.