
Carbon and Waste Reduction

by Mary Sarjak

In carbon trading, companies with effective emission reduction processes gain credits which they can sell to non complying companies. What we are trying to say is that, to avoid paying for extra credits, it is necessary to trim down the amount of pollutants. But how can we go about this?

The reduction process may be complex and expensive. Consequently, it is important to consider financial details in finding the most effective process. Experts have found ways of reducing carbon and other polluting elements from factory discharges but this is not enough. The main goal is to stay within the boundaries of the determined value or cap.

Our efforts to reduce emissions matter a lot. Existing technologies have brought negative changes to our world and now we need our knowledge to preserve and protect it. If we are able to find realistic ways to implement our reduction strategies, energy savings will overcome the production costs. Finding energy saving equipment and machinery is also an option. What is important is to know the factors that lead to the large volume of pollutants in order to know the root cause of the problem.

Research shows that both residential and industrial activities contribute to heightened carbon emissions and this includes both public and private transportation. Good news is that major cities all over the world are coming onboard and carefully planning redevelopment strategies and implementing neighborhood awareness. Reducing electricity consumption can have an enormous effect on reducing carbon emission. Our governments must look into new and advanced electricity sources so that the infrastructure is developed in accordance with standards that are set.

Our energy consumption allows us to do things that are essential for everyday living. But excessive use brings damage to our surroundings. Reduction is possible if rules and policies are set and followed. It is imperative that we show enough support to our environmental campaigns. Discipline and control is a key driver in order for us to achieve our desired results.

We must enhance the private sector understanding and involvement so as to facilitate an effectual program that does not only target carbon emissions reduction but also pollution regulation and management. Bear in mind that we must live in harmony with our natural environment because it is our home and our life.

Taking care of nature is our duty and responsibility. It goes along with our right to live on our planet. Let’s not wait for a time when we are not able to change the destructive effects of our negligence and frivolity. Now is the time to join the people in an effort to help save mother earth.